APPSC confirms the date for the Group-II Main Examination on February 23

APPSC Group-II Main Examination February 23

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) formally announced that the Group-II Main Examination would take place on February 23. This important test—a necessary step in the Group-II service procurement—will be useful in offline mode and with an objective-type framework.

Examination Details:

Two exam sessions will effectively accommodate the students, according to an official statement released by the APPSC. Paper-I will have their first session in the morning from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.; their second session in the afternoon from 3 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Both papers will take advantage of thirteen district centers around the state.

Those applicants showing for the test should be well-prepared ahead of time, as the choice of Group II services relies mostly on this test. The APPSC has stressed even more the significance of adhering to the guidelines and test schedule.

Hall Ticket Availability:

Policies in the commission let candidates use their hall passes starting on February 13. The official APPSC website will show the hall tickets available for download at Candidates have to download their hall passes immediately and attentively review the given instructions. Moreover, applicants are highly encouraged to familiarize themselves with their assigned exam venues well before the test day to avoid any doubt or delays on the day of the test. This will ensure a perfect and punctual arrival at the test location.

Applications Invited for Computer Proficiency Test (CPT):

Apart from the Group-II test specifications, the APPSC also exposed the beginning of the application procedure for the upcoming Computer Proficiency Test (CPT) for April 2025. There are scheduled tests for several village/ward secretariat officials. The window of applications will be open from February 24 until March 06. Posts calling for the CPT within the Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Department as well as the Revenue Department include Panchayat Secretary Grade-V, Village Revenue Officer (VRO) Grade-II, and VRO Grade-I.

Following May 12, 2014, the commission further extended invitations to staff members appointed for compassionate reasons in numerous departments—including all Heads of Departments (HoDs), Directorates, and the Andhra Pradesh Secretariat. The Revenue Department has upgraded senior assistants who qualify for this test from VRO Grade-I to compassionate VRAs/Village Revenue Assistants.

Noteworthy Notes:

Mr. I. Narasimha Murthy, the APPSC Secretary (FAC), has advised all interested candidates to seek further information on the comprehensive notification available on the APPSC website. However, the reveal of the exam dates is intriguing.

The APPSC recommends candidates carefully review all the relevant notices, including the application process and the guidelines for the upcoming examinations, to ensure a flawless experience on the Group-II main exam and the Computer Proficiency Test.

Every applicant should be advised that frequently viewing the official APPSC website for any updates and announcements helps them come closer to the test dates. Candidates can prepare thoroughly for these crucial tests through the commission’s proactive activities and timely information releases.

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